Superficies únicas, diseñadas por y para ti

Your imagination is the limit. Personalize every corner of your floors and walls with unique shapes, colors and designs, or develop something completely new to make your spaces truly yours.

Floors and Walls for every space, tailor-made for you

Transform your space with floors and walls that reflect your style. With options for custom shapes, colors and finishes, we make the ideas that only you have in mind a reality. Discover the freedom to create with 1200°


Personaliza tus pisos y paredes a tu manera.

Elige entre nuestra amplia selección de formas, colores y gráficos predeterminados, o co-crea un diseño único desde cero.

Ya sea que juegues con nuestro portafolio o desarrolles una idea completamente nueva, estamos aquí para hacer realidad tus ideas, con la flexibilidad de adaptar cada detalle a tu visión.


Learn more about the different portfolios we have to offer you


What They Say About Us

We want our results to speak for us. Here you can learn about the experience of some of our clients and how we have managed to meet and exceed their expectations.

Imagen del testimonio

As an interior designer, I value collaborating with Corona to create custom finishes that reflect the essence of each project. At Café La Manchuria, we work together to develop a unique yellow brick that highlights Colombian cultural wealth, achieving a distinctive and replicable finish. Corona is a key ally for materializing ideas in memorable spaces.

Mónica Cardona
Imagen del testimonio

As an interior designer, I value collaborating with Corona to create custom finishes that reflect the essence of each project. At Café La Manchuria, we work together to develop a unique yellow brick that highlights Colombian cultural wealth, achieving a distinctive and replicable finish. Corona is a key ally for materializing ideas in memorable spaces.

Mónica Cardona
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